We can’t believe 2024 is right around the corner. We will be here, ready to help, as you travel the world, learn new skills, and meet new people. We are ready to embrace everything that next year brings. We are excited about the next year and confident it will be the best year ever.

Throughout this year of 2023, our staff has worked hard to make it amazing. We have done our best to give our members and guests a fun filled time with games for all our member family and new guests, we look forward to a full schedule of events and crafts.
If you haven’t met our remarkable Resort Manager, Terry Lacoste, plan a trip and come meet him. Terry enlisted into the Coast Guard while he was still a senior in high school. While in the Coast Guard, he transferred to the US Marine Corps. During his 8 years, he served in Desert Storm, Iraq, Iran, California, Camp Lejeune, D.C. and even to the guard for President Clinton. He’s a great manager for the resort. Next time you see him, tell him “Hi!” and thank him for his service.
Our amazing staff members have been extra busy this year making improvements to our beautiful resort to make it an even better home away from home for our members and guests. Some of these improvements include repairing both our indoor and outdoor pools and replacing the furniture around the pool, adding new lights along the fences, and adding a new cottage for our bigger families to be as comfortable as possible when visiting. We hope to make many more improvements over the next year including painting all the buildings and cottages, installing a bridge over our pond, installing new bench swings, and installing new lighting throughout the park.
Make sure to keep an eye on all the exciting new changes! We can’t wait to see what 2024 will bring us and our members. And keep an eye out for our monthly Activity Calendars.